Feb 13, 2014

A Baby Valentine

As we all know, Valentine's Day is tomorrow. We met up with Thomas' playgroup today and I realized that I should probably bring a little something for his first group of friends on Valentine's! So I whipped up these little tags this morning, bought some Yogurt Melts at store on the way to playgroup, and put them in a baggie with the note attached while sitting in the car in front of the host's house. Talk about waiting until the last minute! 

These were super easy to make (remember, I did this in the car!) and the kids loved them. Of course, they are only 13 months old so they are easy to please. Here is a blank one if you would like to make some just in the nick of time. 

Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day tomorrow!

Please be a fan of lil Mop Top on facebook!! I link up to these parties!

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