Sep 5, 2013

I am back! (barely)

Hey sweet lil Mop Top fans! I haven't been around all summer and I am so sorry to leave ya hanging. Did you survive with me?

Well, now that our fun summer is over, I hope to get back to blogging more often. Taking care of three crazy boys really takes up a bunch of my time: imagine that! However I decided that I am going add back in our 'school activities' since the older two boys aren't napping anymore. I really loved doing those type of activities with John so I am really excited to start it back up again and hopefully I will have to time to share all the fun activities I create!

In honor of back to school, here are a couple photos of the boys. I took these pictures at my mother-in-law's house and I have the wonderful Liz Labianca of Liz Labianca Photography to thank. I took one of her momtering sesions and it has made all the difference in the world. I know how to shoot in manual and I am getting better every day!

Hope everyone has had a smooth transition back to school!

Please be a fan of lil Mop Top on facebook!! I link up to these parties!

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